Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall in West Virginia

West Virginia is a beautiful place. Lori says they've gotten more than their fair share of rain lately (when I arrived on Friday, she was happily mowing the jungle of grass that had been thriving with all that rain). But this weekend there has been no rain, just blue sky and sunshine.

I took this photo from my car, driving south on I-79 (Please don't tell my mother; I promise I didn't actually look through the camera while driving.  I have many blurry photos to confirm this). This is typical of highways in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, built after blasting through rock:

These beauties were somewhere in Morgantown, along one of our walks with Misty:


And these mums are in the flower bed, alongside Lori's house:

This is the view down the hill, from Lori's porch, looking east as the sun is setting:

Today we drove to Cooper's Rock State Park, and visited the overlook, and did some hiking.

Near the overlook, looking out over the Cheat River Gorge

Looking back from the overlook

Cheat River

Hiking through the forest

I am always amazed at the size of the rocks
that we see just lying around in this forest

Lori and I tried to take a picture of ourselves, first with my camera, then with hers. We took shot after shot, most of them looking like the old snaps we'd take at the photo booth at the mall. We laughed and laughed, arguing over who looked dorkier in each picture.

At one point, I said, "that picture makes you look taller than me." Lori was quick to point out, "I am taller than you!" This is true; she is taller...

The best of our self-photography
Taken by a kind stranger who took pity on us!
Misty thoroughly enjoyed her walk, sniffing diligently, and barking furiously at a variety of dogs. She became particularly vocal when Lori left us for a few minutes:

Where did she go?!?
When we got home, Misty collapsed for a nap. (So did Lori, but I didn't take her picture.)

More West Virginia updates to come...