Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Knitter's Life List

I borrowed Gwen W. Steege's The Knitter's Life List from our excellent library, and enjoyed reading it. I've renewed it twice now, and think I'm going to have to finally return it. I may have to break down and actually buy a copy.

The author writes "Wouldn't it be fun, we thought, to create a 'life list' of things to do, patterns to try, techniques to explore, places to go, movies to see -- and much more -- all related in some way to knitting."

And that's what she did, with this book. Of course, she couldn't include everything in this volume, but my goodness, there is a lot there!

It is organized loosely into 11 chapters:
  1. The Yarn Life List
  2. The Know-how Life List
  3. The Sweaters Life List
  4. The Socks Life List
  5. The Scarves & Shawls Life List
  6. The Hats Life List
  7. The Gloves & Mittens Life List
  8. The Bags Life List
  9. The Kids-Knit Life List
  10. The Home Dec Life List
  11. The Fiber-Lover's Life List
Each chapter begins with a list of suggestions for your Knitter's Life List, in categories such as Meet; Discover; Do/Try; Learn; Go! This is followed by short articles - a page or two each - which are easy (and quick) to read and enjoy. (It lends itself to bathroom reading; even Jim commented on  how interesting the book was.)

There is a detailed appendix, with lots of references to other books and websites. There are no patterns, but there is a list of sources for patterns for the items photographed (I was happy to find that I have some of those patterns in my library).

The many ideas guarantee that you'll not get stuck in a knitting rut! If I had When I have my own copy, I expect I'll be making notes throughout it, and starting my own list.

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